Releasing or Hindering God

Let’s talk about that family gathering at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Do you look forward to it or dread it?

Many times we anticipate those once a year gatherings with relatives we just endure with such dread wishing they would be more joyful and friendly.  We ask ourselves “why do we even go?”  Let me suggest we look upon these times as opportunity rather than duty.

2Cor 2:19, Paul exhorts us:  “We implore you on Christ’s behalf:  Be reconciled to God.”  Reconciling with others is reconciling with God.  Reconciling does not mean everybody is supposed to be pals, or the hurts of the past did not happen.  Reconciling is removing any sin in relationships.  Reconciling means our hearts are clean before the Lord regarding others.

The way to start changing the atmosphere of those family gatherings, is to specifically forgive those who have offended you, hurt you, or even ignored you.  It doesn’t mean they are correct or right.  It means you are setting them free to make changes and giving God a chance to move in their lives.  Next, repent of holding in your heart any, judgments, angers, or disappointments.  This sets you free to change and allows God to work in your behalf.  

The Lord gave us free will for building relationships.  Because this gift is so precious, He will not violate it.  What we choose either releases or hinders the hand of God in our lives.  Be reconciled and watch the hand of God release new joy into those family gatherings.  He just asks us to do our part.  With God, all things are possible.