- Marcia Vogl
- Hits: 47
My seamstress mother sewed dresses and wedding gowns for family and friends. These dresses were so beautiful. As a little girl, I always wanted to “help.” She allowed me to help by removing the pins. I felt like I contributed to this beautiful wedding gown.
As I grew older, she taught me how to sew my own clothing. They were simple things but I made them myself—mostly shorts and pajamas—nothing fancy to be worn outside the house. My first big project was sewing my school uniforms which consisted of a pleated skirt and a sailor midi top. Yes, this was in the 60s. Being a uniform, it looked just like all the outfits other students were wearing.
Because of my petite size, commercial garments were too large for me. By sewing clothes for myself, I had something unique. I didn’t have to look like I was wearing my big sister’s clothing. Upon moving from home after college, my mother gave me her portable Singer sewing machine as a “must have.”
For my wedding, we sewed my bridal and bridesmaid gowns. As we shopped for fabric and patterns, I had memories of the wedding gowns she sewed years earlier. This one was unique for my big day. It wasn’t just a beautiful wedding gown. It was one I made myself.
In my early career as a musician, I missed having a product to show or keep like a painting or sculpture. Unless the performance was committed to tape or video, it would be gone when the sound dissipated. No matter how great or inspired the performance was, it evaporated never to be reproduced exactly the same.
While sewing I can get lost in the process for hours creating simple garments, pillowcases, and decorations. I get such joy out of creating a finished product. Besides clothing for myself, I have enjoyed sewing clothing for my grandchildren, Superman capes for Vacation Bible School, Halloween costumes, and skirts for Tanzanian orphans. The tools and gadgets available today are fantastic for making sewing much easier and even more enjoyable. When my eyesight lost its acuity, I bought a sewing machine with an automatic needle threader. How fantastic is that!
Reworking an old garment is called alterations and repair. In my work as a prayer counselor, I often put the pieces of people’s broken lives back together. I meet fractured souls torn by life’s adverse events. Some need guidance on recovering the pieces of their lives and fitting them together. Fitting them together through prayer is like sewing them into a new garment or maybe a new wineskin. Even better, they can have a spiritual wedding gown for a new beginning.
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