Petitionary prayer is praying for yourself. Many people feel uncomfortable with this because they believe the Enemy’s lie that says “it is selfish to pray for yourself.” The Bible says, “You have not because you ask not. Ask and you shall receive. Whatever you ask in my name I shall do it”. Since you are the one who is with you all the time, you would be the best to know what you want. “Gimme prayers” can be dangerous but if you are praying the promises of God and the fulfillment of your destiny, you are doing the right thing. Here are some examples:
- “Lord, you are my Provider so I am trusting you to provide all that I need for becoming a doctor that you have put into my heart. The funds will come from you, the college acceptances, the contacts, the discipline to study and learn, and the perseverance to complete the course all comes from you.”
- Lord you have put in my heart to care for orphans. Show me where, how, and when I should move forward. Show me the people you will use to provide the funds, the facilities, and all the people who will partner with me in this endeavor—teachers, doctors, social workers, nannies, maintenance workers, lawyers, and loving parents. I am depending on you to give me the perseverance and wisdom to complete this destiny.”
- Lord I desire to fulfill my destiny as a mother to my three children. Remind me that I must constantly lift you up in all my life’s challenges that my children will learn by example. Show me how to instill the Word in their lives. Let me be there for them. As you are my heavenly Father, let them see you in me. When I make mistakes, I can come to you in repentance to be forgiven and given another chance to make the godly difference in their lives.
So you see, petition isn’t just asking God for a new car, a vacation to Hawaii, promotion in your job, or a new house, although your heavenly Father will find pleasure in giving you those things should they fit in His will and your capacity to use them to his glory.
- Asking Him for more money will be hard coming if you have not demonstrated your ability to handle what you already have. Do you save for emergencies, do you tithe, do you pay your bills on time, are you in debt, do you spend more than you earn, do you earn, Do you prioritize you spending? These are all questions you must face and take action if you expect God to fulfill your request for more money.
- Another common request is a better job. How well do you do the one you have? Are you reliable? Can you be trusted? Do you do only what is required or are you resourceful and helpful in blessing the company with your ideas? Do you complain about everything: hours, conditions, breaks, vacations? Are you a blessing to the company? Do you get along with your boss and co-workers? How can the Lord give you a better job if you cannot handle the one you have now and give him glory?
The Lord is always seeking for you to give him the glory. That is not exclaiming “Hallelujah” at every sentence. He desires that you shine with his character in all things. Sometimes he puts us in difficult situations so we can be his ambassador in dark places. Does your light shine brighter or are you dimming it with every trial? Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.