
As a new calendar year approaches, many start thinking of New Year resolutions. Resolutions are only as good as the actions they produce. The bible teaches obedience not resolutions.

runner disciplineAs followers of Jesus, we are to pay attention to disciplines. Paul exhorts Timothy (ITim 4:8) about being disciplined for godliness. In Hebrews we learn that discipline produces the fruits righteousness and peace. (Heb 12:11)

How disciplined are you in your mind and heart? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5. (1=never, 2=sometimes, 3 usually, 4=very often, 5=always.

____ Worship: How much is your mind staid on the Lord throughout your day? Great is the peace of those whose mind is staid on the Lord.

____ Meditation: Do you meditate on his Word. Do you let it get down into your spirit?

To Joshua: Meditate on this Word day and night and you will be prosperous and successful.

____ Rest: Do you allow your body and mind to rest? Keep the Sabbath day holy.

____ Giving: How consistent are you in giving? Bring the tithe into my storehouse.

____ Do you give into the kingdom something other than money too?

____ Prayer: Do you pray devotionally? What do you bring to prayer? (Praise, worship, requests, thanksgivings, intercessions)

____ Warfare: Do you war to get what you know is promised by God? Do you persevere? Do you stand up to the enemy?

____ Fasting: Do you fast? Do you bring your body in submission to your spirit?

____ Do you fast things other than food in order to get closer to God? (negative talk, TV, favorite pastime)

____ Work: Do you work? Do you get things done? Do you make an effort to accomplish what is before you?

We all have responsibilities of daily life that vie for our attention and time. However, if we are careful not to neglect these things listed above, our life in the natural will produce the fruits of righteousness and holiness as we share in His Kingdom.