Performance Dress

perfomance dressFor those who practice dressmaking skills, this will amaze you.

The Orange County Master Chorale performed four concerts a year and the ladies were required to have a concert dress.  One particular year, the performance dress chosen was a lovely designer style that was difficult to make. I usually sew my own clothing but I found altering this pattern too difficult for me. The smallest pattern size available was 8.  I wore a size 4. I would need the help of a professional seamstress.

I took the fabric and pattern to a professional dressmaker who reviewed the pattern and the measurements. She concluded she had no magical method.  She would just have to fit the cut the pieces to my body.  The process would experimental and expensive. She suggested I should probably try it myself.

Back home with the fabric and pattern I decided to give it a whirl.  I said, “Lord, I don’t have much time to fool around with this.  Please help me to complete it in minimum amount of time.”  I cut the size 8 pieces “as is” and basted them together expecting it to balloon over me. It seemed to fit so I sewed it up.  Lo and behold, the dress fit without any changes!  According to the pattern directions and measurements, this could not happen.

I completed the dress except for the hem.  The hem was curved so it needed some special adjusting.  Once set, I pinned it in place but didn’t have time to hand stitch it.  I decided that, at worst, I could wear it with pins in the hem as I was only going to stand still and sing.

Since I was the production manager, I needed to take care of staging.  While I was attending to production matters, one of the ladies asked me if there was anything she could to do help since she was basically sitting around while her husband worked.  “Could you hem my dress?”  I asked.  She certainly could.  By the time the performance was underway, my dress was hemmed

As I walked out to the assembly area, several women commented on how well my dress fit. They told of the difficulties they had because the size 8 pattern was too large for them too and altering was very complicated. I said, “I pinned it together and sewed it ‘as is’ It fit!”  “No Way!!” they exclaimed in disbelief.

If He kept the clothing of the children of Israel from wearing out, He certainly could do this. It was a miracle.